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Fast and easy pain relief for the back. Oh, the bliss of feeling good in one's body!

Hello, Beautiful Self-Care and Massage Advocates!

Welcome back to our circle of wellness!  It is such a joy to connect with you! I was just thinking about how wonderful it is to be able to serve in your homes with massage therapy. I love helping you relax and destress. Thank you!

Today, I am sharing a (so easy) self-care practice to help you reduce the pain from the compression of the spine and complement the benefits of your regular massages, minimizing everyday stress.

Oh, the bliss of feeling good in one's body! Free of pain.

And that's our shared mission, isn't it? Cultivating a state of health and ease that lets us thrive in our daily lives! 


Sitting! We have all heard it is the "new" smoking or the "new" cancer. Bringing up feelings of dread as if we are powerless to overcome or achieve any kind of well-being... because, after all, it is not going away  :)

Or what about standing? Some of us are on our feet quite a bit pulling full hours as staff members at the hospital or as tradespersons in a variety of different fields.

Shifting perspective.

What if we begin to look at these two things as the "new sport." 

Something we can train for. Something we can be strong for.

A way to stay healthy with all the things we get, and sometimes have, to do to help others and live life well.

Here is one simple, PASSIVE, less-than-10-minute exercise to help the body recover from a long day. 

NO FEAR! This is a fast and easy pain relief exercise for the back. All you need is a floor or a bed if you are on your way... and a towel. The firmer the foundational support the better. 

After a long morning on the computer, I am personally looking forward to this exercise in just a few minutes!

All you have to do is:

  1. Roll up a bath towel

  2. Lay down--face up 

  3. Positioning the towel just below the shoulder blades (Wherever it feels good.)

  4. Relax

  5. Breathe

What are we achieving? A gentle back bend to relieve, discomfort in the spine, back pain, and tightness... With no effort. 

Quick and easy! And, oh, what relief! 

Opening up the spine like this helps with physical stress and emotional stress.

Start with 5 minutes at the end of your work day, during a scheduled break, or just before bed.

Work up to 20 minutes.

Take a moment...

Breathe. Decompress. Unwind. Rest.

Just like this...

White towels on a round yoga mat.
Position of towels for back pain relief.

Woman lying face  up on a yoga mat doing a gentle back bend using a towel.
Position the towel just below the shoulder blades. This opens the shortened muscles of the chest and allows for a gentle "back bend."

There is nothing more wonderful than being totally relaxed and at ease.

I am so looking forward to our next massage session together!

Until then find ways to train. Feeling good in our body is the goal!

Reach out to SCHEDULE YOUR next MASSAGE appointment. 

CALL 208-277-7889.  

See you at the table!

With heartfelt gratitude...

Making you feel good again!

Lavonne Ayoub

Lavonne Ayoub giving massage.

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