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Achieve INSTANT balance.

Hello, Sunshine, Gratitude, and Total Body Flow Massage!

A trifecta of healthy living! My opinion :)

I hope this finds you basking in the warmth of the sunshine we have been experiencing and embracing, with gratitude, all the good things life has to offer!

There's no denying the profound impact that sunshine and gratitude have on our well-being. Think about it: our very own star invites us to enter her presence to be nurtured, renewed and refreshed. She provides us with Vitamin D, warms our body in her rays of light, and connects us with nature nourishing our soul.

And just writing these words lifts my mind in gratitude off the mundane elevating the soul—the beginning of health!


Where does it authentically begin?

In the mind, or the heart?

Is there a difference?

Gratitude may begin with a mind decision, but gratitude can only flow effortlessly like a river to the sea when flowing from the heart.

So you ask :)

How can I move gratitude from my mind to my heart, from a mental discipline to an authentic full-person reality?

Can the mind and heart even be defined?

Yes! The mind and heart energies can be defined, and moving gratitude from the mind to the heart is SO EASY!

How? You guessed it! 

Through relaxation.

Yes, it is just that simple. All we have to do is relax.

First, let's identify mind energy!

For simplicity's sake, let's say mind energy is the part of us that is aware, or for some of us, hyper-aware, and it always wants to reside in the head. Thinking, thinking, thinking...churning...

Ah! But when we relax...

Take a deep breath...

And release that breath...

Our awareness, or mind energy, naturally and easily follows the descent of the chest downward on the outward breath to settle in the torso near the heartthe mind's true home.

How do I know it is the true home?

When we ourselves feel at home, we feel more at ease.

In the same way, when the mind relaxes and is allowed to rest in the torso near the heart, it feels more at ease—at home.


Feel that, again!

Relax the body, all ligament and muscular tension...from scalp to toes....

Take a deep breath...

Release that breath...

Let your awareness descend....


Feels so nice and wholesome! I feel more myself. 

In fact, the mind is tethered to the heart; they are not separate really.

We could say the mind is a faculty of the heart or a function of the heart, perhaps... This is why it can expand away from the heart and ascend into the head around the brain tending to things like focused sustained computing. But it is not a separate entity unto itself and cannot stay in the "head space" indefinitely without eventually suffering. We eventually get a fuzzy head, headaches, increased worry, and anxiety from this kind of overthinking and "rehoming" of the mind. This is one very wonderful side benefit of getting regular massage. In the hands of a skilled therapist, massage quite naturally brings the mind back to a resting healthy state providing that feeling of balance we crave.

However we dissect it—we can let the mind rest in its home, anytime we wish. 

For instant balance, we must allow the mind to descend and rest.

Let's do it again!

Relax all muscular tension...

Take a deep breath...

Release that breath...

With the releasing breath, let the mind descend to rest in the body.

Stay here for a moment...

Feels so good and bright! It makes me want to laugh out loud for the sheer practical simplicity of it. How do we miss it?

The mind descending into the heart...Such a natural movement! 

In this relaxed state, awareness becomes balanced, spacious, and full rather than fixated on thought alone. 

Our brain waves begin to move from the hustle and bustle of this:

To the calm clarity of this:

And we begin to live and move and have our being in health and wellness from the inside out. We are fully alert and relaxed at the same time. Our mind can engage rational thought and creative thought simultaneously. With practice, we can learn to stay here in every circumstance choosing which thoughts to engage in, and today, we choose thoughts of gratitude.

Feel how nice that is!






As mind and heart rejoin together, gratitude transforms from a mind-brain experience to a full-heart experience. And just like that, we have an authentic flow of gratitude from an undivided heart filling our entire body—the beginning of health!

How am I feeling now? Grateful and joyful!

How are you feeling? Better right?

Living with a relaxed mind in full-body gratitude is the only way to live!

Until I see you again on the massage table, may you continue to be nurtured in the warmth of our nourishing star, and may the life-giving energy of gratitude continue to fill your heart and body with this feeling of balance and peace.

With heartfelt gratitude,


A Total Body Flow Massage provides muscular pain relief, and an opportunity to relax and refresh the mind...So good for you!

Mind, Body, and Soul. Schedule your massage today.

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